OsteoLink is an initiative of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)
and the Division of Bone Disease at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva.

  1. Michael Rose Posts: 3
    Joined: 15/12/11

    Can anyone clarify why we have all this controversy about how much time in the sun is adequate to synthesise enough Vit D.

    Can't I just swallow a tablet?   Is it qualitatively somehow different from the "natural" version?


    Many thanks

    By: Michael Rose Posted:Dec 15 2011 Views: 10

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  2. /profile/dappleone Posts:2

    I attended an Osteoporosis conference where an international expert suggested that it might not be a bad idea for everyone over the age of 50 years to consider taking Vit D supplementation.

    Being both relatively economical and convenient to take Vitamin D supplementation makes this seem like a worthwhile consideration.


    By: David Gordon Posted:Dec 18 2011

  3. /profile/Invertebrate Posts:3

    You mention over 50s.   What about proactively giving to kids to assist in bone formation?  Particularly if they might have genetic predisposition to bone mass issues.

    If anyone knows for 99% sure that I'm not missing out by only getting the artificial Vit D versus the suntan, delighted to hear

    Many thanks

    By: Michael Rose Posted:Dec 19 2011

  4. /profile/OsteoporosisAustralia Posts:1

     Hi Michael,

    To get enough vitamin D through sun exposure, a moderately fair person in Sydney during summer would only need to expose the or face, hands and arms (or equivalent amount of skin) for 6-8 minutes per day 4-5 times per week before 10am or after 3pm. For this reason, if you are moderately active you will probably get enough sun in your day to day activities. However in winter, you'll need considerably more sun with the time increasing in Sydney to 26-28 minutes 4-5x/week. 

    Children who play outdoors usually have enough vitamin D however it's been shown that levels often decline when they move from being active kids to more sedentary teenagers. Levels often also decline further south and tests have shown lower levels in some children in Tasmania, especially during winter. If you are concerned about your children may I suggest you speak with your GP who may recommend further investigation.

    By: Osteoporosis Australia Posted:Dec 19 2011